Small Hydro Projects

The Small Hydro projects demonstrate the range of experience that Nautilus personnel have gained over the last 30 years.

Merrimac River Kaplan Repair

These photos show the runner removal and repair of an 8 MW ā€œSā€ type Full Kaplan designed and built by FUGI Electric. This 15 ft diameter turbine operates on 38 ft of head on the Merrimac River.

15ft 5 Blade Kaplan Runner during removal Another view of Runner in throat ring Gate Controls Runner in throat ring before removal Runner Removed Thrust Bearing downstream of runner on 40 inch diameter shaft

Turbine Rebuild and Install of 300kVA

These pictures show the rebuilding and installation of a S Morgan Smith 6 bladed fixed pitch propellor. The pressure case was fabricated and assembled using all the cast components from Smith. These parts were re-riveted to the new case. The turbine in the pressure case. the governor and generator were lifted by crane and installed in the existing powerhouse to add capacity and dependability to the site.

Dam at Pioneer Hydro - 45ft Head Generator cleanup for install Intermediate bearing and base frame during fabrication on new case Pressure Case During Fabrication Generator ready to fly Pressure Case Flying The generator flys

Fiske Hydro

These Photos of Fiske Hydro in New Hampshire are an overview of some of the work required to get the site back on line and build a Fish Elevator required by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. A 165 KVA Niagra semi-kaplan turbine was rebuilt and installed in an open flume. The site has 18 feet of head an a FERC Licensed potential of 810 KW. Expected annual production with 4 units installed is 480 mwh/yr. The Fish elevator was designed and built in house over 3 warm seasons. This was a big job for a small company.

Fiske from Downstream 18 ft head Fiske Hydro from upstream

Fiske Fish Elevator

Fiske Hydro was required by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to design and build a fish lift to facilitate the migration of Shad up the Ashuelot River in New Hampshire. There was a downstream fish passage and an eel ladder already in place. The construction of the Fish Lift was accomplished with in house labor and too three warm seasons to complete. The lift was successfully operated in the spring of 2012 and inspected by USFWS employees.

Downstream fish passage before fish lift construction Elevator form work Pouring with concrete pump Fish lift after 1st pour Upper fishway construction flooding Welding upper fishway Lower fishway install Lower Fishway and lift

Fiske Turbine Rebuild and Install

This 165 KVA Niagra semi-kaplan turbine was purchased used and rebuilt for installation in an open flume. This is a submerged design with self contained gearbox and induction generator.

1.2 meter kaplan runner repair Runner partial assembly Semi Kaplan runner removal for rebuild Wiring Generator in Pit 165 kW - 18 ft head semi Kaplan

Irrigation Canal Drop By-Pass Hydro - Tomatlan, Mexico

We acted as consultants on the design,construction and installation of a 30 inch - 100kw semi-kaplan turbine located on an irrigation canal at Tomatlan, Mexico. The Instituto Investigationes Electricas was supported by U.S. aide in this interesting and important project. In many areas of the world where canal irrigation is used in agriculture the are areas of these systems that require a change in elevation from one canal to another. The energy wasted when the water is dropped to a lower canal is destructive and must be dissipated by the use of long chute with a stilling pond at the bottom. The installation of a turbine in parallel with the existing chute removes the dangerous energy from the water and produces energy for local distribution. All the civil works are generally in place and only an intake and small powerhouse need to be added. The economics of this innovative form of hydro are often very good.

New Intake and penstock with powerhouse under construction View from intake Original canal drop with stilling pond powerhouse under construction Test Turbine at Cuerna Vaca Draft Tube Install with penstock in rear and turbine to the side Runner pattern in Mold Runner Pattern Turbine during Installation Crew at Tomatlan

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